ToshiStats Co., Ltd.  

  • Our mission is "democratize artificial intelligence"

  • Our vision is "create our future by AI agent development "


Head office : Shinmakityo Building bekkan daiichi 2F 3-2-14 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Monday – Friday: 10AM – 5PM


Toshifumi Kuga

Founder and CEO

I used to be a credit risk manager of the consumer finance company in Japan. When I worked at the company, I calculated the probability of the default of each customer. Based on this experience I found that data-driven management is critically important to run the businesses. This is why I created my start-up in Kuala Lumpur in Feb 2014 to provide the knowledge and expertise of deep learning and artificial intelligence to everyone who wants the expertise of them. ToshiStats moved from Kuala Lumpur to Tokyo in July 2018 to expand our AI businesses. Currently we focus on AI agent development by generative AI.




ToshiStats Co.,ltd is selected as "Top10 of Cognitive Tech company" by APAC CIOoutlook (May 2020)

APAC CIO_outlook.png

Follow @ToshifumiKuga 


What I've Achieved

  • Made a risk management framework in one of the biggest consumer finance companies in Japan

  • Forecast of expected credit loss over the loan portfolio in the company

  • Made an application for the patent about a credit risk management system in Japan

  • Made an Action plan against inspection manual of Japanese financial service agency in the company

  • Consulting for credit risk management to an Asian commercial bank

  • Conduct internal audit over risk management department in Japan at one of the biggest investment banks all over the world