AI can be our agent which understands our languages. It must be a game changer in our businesses, lives and science!

Recently, AI Chat bot is getting hotter and hotter all over the world. It starts with Chat GPT, which was released in Nov 2022 and attracts over 100 million users in just two months. It is amazing! You might want to know why it is so popular and what impacts it provides us. Here is the answer from me. Let us start!

1.Why can AI understand our languages?

The first time I used Chat GPT last year, I felt like It could understand what I said. When we use relatively small NLP (Natural Language Possessing) models, it cannot understand our languages because it cannot retain much information with a small number of parameters. Therefore we need programming languages to instruct small models in order to solve our tasks. When we start large language models such as GPT2, T5xxl, which have more than 10 billion parameters, it starts to acquire the ability to understand our language gradually. We call them LLM (Large Language Model). When LLM can understand our language, LLM can perform complex training methods to absorb more information. The more parameters they have, the more complex training they can perform. As a result of that, it can finally understand what we say in our language. Although it is not perfect and is still in progress, it is already enough to create AI agents. Let us move on to next.

2. What can AI do when we instruct it in our languages?

Once LLM understands our language, it can do many things such as answering questions and summarizing texts. These tasks are relatively simple. But LLM can perform more than that. Basically, LLM has a structure, in which we input texts and LLM outputs texts. So it is called “sequence to sequence” structure. “Sequence” can be anything you want. For example, it can be texts which tell us “the processes to get to buy the ticket of the next concerts” or “ Path to reach our destinations in detail”, based on our instructions. When we instruct “ I want something” by our languages, AI can output the processes to obtain that. It means that AI can be our agent. It must be exciting!

3. AI agents will appear in front of us soon!

Because LLM can understand what we instruct to AI in our language, AI can effectively react to our instructions. Different instructions mean different reactions by AI. It means AI can be our agents as they can act for our sake. Sounds great! Our instructions might be unclear, but AI agents can be expected to understand our intentions behind them. So they must be good agents for us! These technologies are at a very early stage. We will see many applications in our businesses going forward.

I would like to update the progress of AI agents. Stay tuned!

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